Wednesday, September 29, 2010

arrghhh!!!! i've missed the manutd vs valencia game.. :'(

Assalamualaikum....haiyoyo....ive missed watching the manutd-valencia game last night...farrgghhh!! ive fallen asleep last night...hukhuk :'( tuu la....gatal sgt nak tido jap sebelom nk g tgk game tuhh...1stly i thought dat i wanna take a quick nap last night juz b4 the game...but..pffffft......when i wake up in da morning the clocks shows it was already 8.03a.m..haiyoyo...the game was at 2.30 in the morning...huh! :((( after dat, i went to sleep again lar..haha! i wake up again at 11.15a.m..huhu ....later i will go back to UITM ARAU....this evening i have Financial Accounting n Business Maths class...haiyoyoyoy :(((( n tomorrow morning i have a business math quiz...damn! not studying anything yet! =(( k la...wait 4 my next post k...daa~

p/s: manutd wins the game againts valencia 1-0...yeahhhh!!! viva glory manutd!!! chicarito was the scorer..huhu =)))

my first post!!! hee~ ;)

Assalamualaikum to all my friends n anybody dat knew me. Huhu.. my name is FARIS BIN MOHD ZAKHUAN,Kat sebelah kanan ni lah gamba aku..jgn dok amek taw..wakakaka ;))  Age 18 years old, Currently living in Kangar Perlis. Awesomee town!! hak3! Now studying at UITM ARAU PERLIS. Diploma In Accountany. ( Haram dulu SPM aku x blaja pownn, haha!) I graduated from DERMA HIGH SCHOOL or another name is DERMA CLUSTER SCHOOL..hihi~ ni link facebook aku, nak add meh la add..apa salahnya kawan ramai an...huhu :)Link ke page facebook aku!!
 well this is basically my first post,blog ni aku wat lama dahh, tp x pernah wat post ponn, ustaz, saya minta maaf la klu url saya x beberapa sopan blog sya wat lama dah.. ustaz in CTU 101 tells us to create a blog to do our assignments in it which is PERANAN MASJID MENGEMBANGKAN aku pun guna blog ni je la..huhu Fuhhhh...susahh2 :((  So, here it is, my own blog~~ wahahahahhahahahahah  :)) im new to all of this blogger2 stuffs...i need some tyme to get cekap wif this blogging2 k..huhu...i need to learn from the pro's like atey n other people larr....meh la ajaq aku wehh!!  aku x retiii!!!! :'(( Ok la, im going to edit2 this blog n try to make it more interesting n cool for people to enjoy reading it..hope u all enjoy k..haha! daa~ 

p/s : awal2 mmg la sonok gila nak wat blogg...pastu mula la segann sialll an?? haha! kita tggu dan lihat la nohh...hak3